A Guide to Establish a Joint Venture in India

Due to adroit human resources, ideal geographic location, and lucrative commercial incentives; today India is now one of the best investment destinations in the world. Since economic liberalization, India emerged as an economic superpower resulting the country having a lot to offer from the perspective of consumers as well as producers to foreign investors or businesses. To establish the business in India, foreign companies find Joint Venture (JV) the most suitable business model that enables companies to reach the local market and target local audiences quickly. A joint Venture is an agreement in which two or more companies work collaboratively to achieve a commercial goal. A joint Venture may be acted upon either on an entirely new or an existing business, which is beneficial for companies who are included in Joint Venture . In this business model, companies share their resources (brand, marketing, technology, customer base, etc.)in a harmonizing fashion. A Joint Venture alliance neg...